Welcome to
Encouraging Christian community through discipleship, literacy and innovation.
The Hub
Stay current on the news, events, and new resources in The Hub. From book sales to contests, you don’t want to miss out!
Collaborative Sticker Art Project! – Looking Like Fall
Students work together to create beautiful sticker art projects. It is always a mystery. What will this one be?
Wing II – Student Art Gallery Contest
Explore the artistic talents for HCOS + Flex students!
Thanksgiving Storytime With Margaret, Dewey the Dragon & Friends
Happy Thanksgiving! Stories with Dewey. He is thankful for all of you. What are you thankful for?
Help Centre
Learn how to access library materials and collections or speak with one of our friendly library staff using our live chat feature in the bottom right corner.
Student Activities
Engage in exciting activities with other HCOS students and showcase your talents to the HCOS community.