Unit Study Kits
Find engaging cross-curricular unit studies aligned with the BC curriculum that address Social Studies, Science, ADST, and Language Arts standards. Use the filters below to select unit studies relevant to you. If you are looking for Christian Studies content, you can visit our dedicated Christian Studies website. For physical Unit Study Kits visit the Search Portal to browse and check-out.
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All Matter is Made of Particles
Have you ever wondered what matter is made of? Wonder no more! In this kit you will discover the different particles that make up all matter, both visible and invisible, conduct exciting experiments, and learn more about God's wonderful creation.

Ancient Greece
Travel back in time to Ancient Greece! Learn about the roots of this fascinating civilization, discover art, music, history, famous figures, and learn more about how the ancient Greeks continue to influence us today!

Ancient Rome
Visit Ancient Rome, a thriving empire—home to fascinating figures, rich history, beautiful art, and groundbreaking ideas.

Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Our world is filled with an incredible array of living things. Discover different ecosystems around the world and learn about how living things within ecosystems depend on one another for survival.

Canada Has Diverse Communities
Take a tour across our beautiful country to learn more about the different provinces and territories and what makes each a unique place to live.

Canadian Government
In this unit, students will learn about the Canadian government, its structure and tiers, and how we are all impacted by the government each day.

Colonialism, Imperialism, and Discrimination
Look broadly at historical and ongoing instances of colonialism, imperialism, and discrimination. Practice deep critical thought and analysis as you look at varied perspectives and form your own researched opinions.

In this unit students will learn more about communities. They will learn about different kinds of communities, identify and explore locations in their own community, learn about simple maps, and more.

Communities in My World
Journey around the world and learn about how communities are similar and different through reading, viewing, games, and activities.

Creation and Evolution
Learn about different perspectives on the origin of human beings. Practice your critical and creative thinking skills as you compare and contrast ideas and evidence.

Crusades Mini
Learn about the Crusades and the role they played in shaping the Middle Ages. Practice critical and creative thinking skills as you explore multiple perspectives on this time in history.

Daily and Seasonal Changes
Use the scientific method to discover the daily and seasonal changes that impact you and practice documenting what you observe in God's world.

Digital Literacy
In this mini-unit, students in grades 6-9 will learn about digital literacy, including media, social media, and research, while practicing new skills and discovering how to stay safe and think critically in a digital environment. Addresses Social Studies standards in Grade 6 and some Social Studies, Career, and ADST standards in grades 6-9.

Earth, Sun, and Moon
Build deeper knowledge of the relationship between the Earth, sun, and the moon, in this engaging discovery-based kit. Explore the seasons and the tides, consider the ways that these changes impact living things on Earth, document the phases of the moon, learn moon and sun stories both ancient and new, and grow critical and creative thinking skills.

Economics and Globalization - Lessons
Learn about the fascinating connections between economics and globalization. Discover different systems of economics and how they function, learn more about Canada's role on the international stage, and make connections between economics, globalization, and government.

Economics and Globalization - Student Presentation
This student presentation is necessary to complete the Grade 6 Economics and Globalization kit and will serve as a portfolio of student work that can be shared with your support teacher.

Egyptian Civilization
Join us for a time-travelling adventure back to Ancient Egypt. The history of this incredible civilization stretches for thousands of years. In this kit, you will deep-dive into the past to discover the culture and contributions of these fascinating people.

Learn about all different sources of energy, how energy moves, how it is transformed, and why energy is critically important to all life on Earth.

Energy and Electromagnetism
Gain deeper knowledge of electricity and how electricity can be transmitted. Learn about different ways of generating electricity, discover the electromagnetic force, learn about electric currents, and so much more!

Learn about the fascinating history of exploration in Canada. Consider the factors that drove people to explore and consider both the positive and negative impacts of exploration.

Exploring Matter
In this hands-on investigative unit, students will conduct a variety of experiments to learn more about matter and its different states.

Features of Living Things
Deepen knowledge of living things in the local community and further afield. Explore what makes living things unique, their special features, and the behaviours that help them survive and thrive.

First Peoples Land Use
Explore the ways in which Indigenous people of Canada have used land in the past, and how they continue to use it in the present. Learn about the different treaties the Canadian government has made with Indigenous peoples, explore the idea of interconnectedness that underpins any Indigenous cultures, and consider sustainable practices.

Discover that forces influence the motion of objects with fun experiments and projects.

Fossil Record and Climate Change
Learn more about the geologic timescale. Discover how fossils are formed and the geological processes involved in their creation. See how the Earth has changed over time. Consider different perspectives on the age of the earth and practice arguing for your own viewpoint.

Global Issues - Lessons
Think deeply about significant global issues, including poverty, hunger, water shortages, war, pollution, and climate change.

Global Issues - Student Presentation
This student presentation is necessary to complete the Grade 6 Global Issues kit and will serve as a portfolio of student work that can be shared with your support teacher.

Habitats, Biomes, and Ecosystems
Discover incredible biomes around the globe and learn about the unique creatures that live there. Explore the ways that plants and animals are uniquely adapted to survive and thrive in their habitat.

Human Body Systems 5
Learn more about the incredible human body as you explore the digestive, musculo-skeletal, respiratory, and circulatory systems.

Human Body Systems 6
Deepen your knowledge of the human body as you look at the excretory, reproductive, hormonal, and nervous systems.

Human Rights, Immigration and Discrimination
What are human rights? Why are all people deserving of respect? In this unit, you will investigate the concept of human rights while practicing your critical and creative thinking skills. Exercise compassion as you learn about historical wrongs, explore current challenges in our world and consider other challenging topics through a Christian worldview lens.

Inca, Aztec and Maya Mini
Discover fascinating civilizations in Mexico and Central/South America.

Indigenous People Around the World
Learn about Indigenous people groups around the world in this fast-paced tour of the globe. Discover Indigenous people groups on each continent, learn their stories, and celebrate their uniqueness.

Indigenous People of Canada
Discover the diversity of Canada's Indigenous peoples as you travel across the country meeting different Indigenous groups, learning their stories, and celebrating the beauty of each unique community.

Industrial Revolution
Explore the Industrial Revolution, a time of tremendous technological and social change throughout the world.

Interacting With Matter
Develop deeper knowledge of matter and the states of matter through a variety of hands-on experiments, videos, and reading opportunities.

La Famille (Family) Core French Kit

La Musique (Music) Core French Kit

La Nourriture (Foods) Core French Kit

Landforms and Erosion
Landforms are all around us! Discover different kinds of landforms and learn about how they are changed over time by erosion and other natural processes.

Le Voyage (Travel) Core French Kit

Les Animaux (Animals) Core French Kit

Les Carrières (Careers) Core French Kit

Les Célébrations (Celebrations) Core French Kit

Les Fables (Fables) Core French Kit

Les Sports (Sports) Core French Kit

Life Cycle of Plants and Animals
Learn about the life cycles of amazing plants and animals in God's world. Discover the ways that creatures survive and thrive as they grow and change.

Light and Sound
Conduct experiments with light and sound and discover their unique properties.

Local Environment
Explore the natural world in their own communities through guided activities and projects. Investigate the plants and animals that are unique to their community and consider how they are uniquely suited for their environment.

Discover the fascinating history of simple machines and how machines found in the natural world led to the complex machinery we use today.

Matter - Solids, Liquids and Gases
Dive deep into the fascinating world of matter by conducting experiments with the different phases of matter and see how temperature impacts the movement of matter.

Matter and Elements
Learn about elements, compounds, and pure substances. Conduct experiments and document your results. Gain a deeper understanding of the crystalline structure of solids and observe how chemicals can change.

Matter Can Undergo Changes
Matter can be shaped, changed, and transformed, discovering how through engaging experiments and activities.

Middle Ages
Journey to the Middle Ages to discover this fascinating time of discovery, art, music, dramatic cultural shifts, empires, kingdoms, and fascinating people.

Mixtures and Solutions
Conduct fascinating experiments within a chemistry framework as you learn about mixtures and solutions.

Natural Resources
Learn more about the natural resources of British Columbia, how they are grown, and how they are utilized to benefit the people of our province. Consider sustainability and how we can be good stewards of God's beautiful Earth.

Needs of Plants and Animals
The fascinating world of living things will open up to kindergarten students as they learn about plants and animals and how they grow and change.

Origin of Humans and Early Humans Mini
Learn about different perspectives on the origin of human beings. Practice your critical and creative thinking skills as you compare and contrast ideas and evidence.

Personal and Family History
Learn about families and personal history. Explore the ways that families are similar and different, learn about your own family, document your growth over time, and more.

Protégeons l’environnement (Environmental Stewardship) French Kit

Reformation & Counter-Reformation Mini
Learn about dramatic transformations that took place in the Christian church during the late-Renaissance period.

Discover the Renaissance, a time of great change throughout the globe. In this kit, you will study art, music, historical figures, significant historical events, and many other elements that made the Renaissance an incredibly dynamic period in human history.

Residential Schools
In this 3-week "Historical Snapshot" Unit, students in grades 5 or 6 will learn about the sad history of Residential Schools in Canada.

Revolution Mini
Learn about significant revolutions of the past, including the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution. Discover how these significant historical events still impact us today. This kit uses digital resources.

Sky, Weather, Sun, Moon, and Stars
Practice observation skills and creative thinking as you explore the changes in the sky, including weather, the movement of the sun and moon, and other observable patterns.

Slavery and Civil War
Examine the tragic history of the slave trade and slavery with a particular focus on slavery in the United States in the lead-up to the American Civil War.

Experiment with solutions as you learn more about concepts such as distillation, evaporation, crystallization, solubility, and the properties of solutions (such as PH).

Space and Extreme Environments
In this kit, you will become an adventurer as you embark on a journey through many different extreme environments and thoroughly study the solar system and space technologies.

The History of British Columbia Part I
Learn about the incredible history of British Columbia. Discover her earliest inhabitants, get to know the European explorers who arrived and transformed the land, investigate the clash of cultures as people journeyed to British Columbia from around the world, and so much more. Part I covers the earliest history of the province through to the Gold Rush.

The History of British Columbia Part II
Move forward into the future of our province through a fascinating study of British Columbia covering Confederation, natural resources, and provincial changes through to World War I.

The Motion of Objects
In this exciting science unit, kindergarten students will explore the movement of objects by conducting a variety of experiments and hands-on explorations.

Thermal Energy
Marvel at thermal energy and discover how it is created and transferred.

Learn about water, an incredible life force on Earth, and how to shape and change our planet. Discover the water cycle, learn about how all living things need water, and more!

World Cultures and Global Citizenship
Become a global citizen and set out on a tour around the world to learn about different countries, cultures, celebrations, and traditions!

Governments - Lessons
Learn more about governments around the world as you compare and contrast, analyze and assess, ask deep questions, explore different perspectives, and become an "expert" in different governmental systems.

Governments - Student Presentation
This student presentation is necessary to complete the Grade 6 Governments kit and will serve as a portfolio of student work that can be shared with your support teacher.

World War I
Bring your historical learning further into the 20th century as you learn about the events leading up to World War I, the war itself, and the aftermath of the Great War as we set the stage for learning about World War II in high school. This kit uses digital resources.