Resource Highlights

Room 14 – A Social Language Program Students identify with the Room 14 characters that have social problems and social successes much like their own. Educators like the all-in-one program with lesson plans and materials. Specific goals and skills are addressed within the 31 Social Skills Lessons, each with:Preparation suggestions—High-interest activities get students excited to […]

Christmas Reads!

Looking for Christmas books to enjoy during the holiday season? Cozy up with heart-warming books from  this selection! You will find all of the Christmas books listed in the topic Holidays – Christmas in the Search Portal. Christmas Books Open a window each day of Advent onto the natural world. Here are twenty-five fresh images […]

French Resources

French – Beginning Readers Series This collection is designed to help children become independent French readers. Sentence structures are simple and repetitive, and include commonly used words.  French Beginning Readers Level A Previous Next All French Resources in the Search Portal

Apologia Science Textbooks

Exploring Creation With Biology This high school biology course is designed to be the homeschool student’s first high school science class. It is a foundational course that covers everything students need to prepare successfully for a college-level biology course. The updated edition includes more in-depth explanations of certain concepts and new graphics to help students […]

High School Math Textbooks

The Learning Commons has a wide selection of Math textbooks for grades 10-12 to meet the needs of different learning styles. Here are some of the options available for extended loan. Sets include textbook, solutions manual, tests and CDroms where applicable. Saxon Advanced Mathematics Saxon Advanced Mathematics fully integrates topics from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, discrete […]