Real Science-4-Kids, Level I Combined Teacher’s Manual (Chemistry/Biology/Physics)

R. W. Keller

2004 edition

This is a bundle which includes the Teacher’s Manual Level I (spiral bound) Chemistry/Biology/Physics combined, Student’s hardcover textbook Level I Chemistry, along with Laboratory Worksheets Level I Chemistry.

Rebecca Woodbury (Keller) incorporated Gravitas Publications Inc. (www.gravitaspublications) in 2003 to develop and publish core sciences curricula under the Real Science-4-Kids imprint. She has authored and published Real Science-4-Kids student texts, teacher manuals, and student laboratory workbooks in chemistry, biology and physics for the home school, private, and public school markets. Her 26 textbooks serve kindergarten through eighth grade.


In 2008, Woodbury (Keller) wrote and directed the development of a series of interdisciplinary companion texts called Kogs-4-Kids(tm), which show how science is connected closely to all other areas of study and how it affects everyday life. The categories for the Kogs series were history, language, philosophy, arts, technology, and critical thinking. This product line has since been discontinued and the ideas behind connecting other disciplines to science have been incorporated in the Exploring Science Building Block series.


An advocate of “open inquiry” in science, Woodbury (Keller) has often spoken about and provided testimony on the positive effects of allowing students to critically evaluate all scientific data that support and/or oppose scientific conclusions. Her textbooks present students with up-to-date scientific facts and the steps of the scientific method, together with the critical thinking tools needed to help students evaluate scientific conclusions. Dr. Woodbury (Keller)’s books represent scientific consensus views around issues such as evolution and climate change but remain as philosophically neutral as possible. In other words, where it makes sense students are encouraged to explore how worldview, philosophy, and social issues influence science.


Her view can be summarized by her statement “In the sciences, let’s teach what we know and admit what we do not actually know. Let’s train children to explore authentic inquiry, evaluating evidence to the best of their ability and asking questions like ‘What if?'”


Woodbury (Keller) didn’t set out to be an author. A former research assistant professor at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, she worked in the molecular biology field. As a home-school mom, her background in biophysics, molecular biology and neuroscience coupled with a passion for helping students not just read about science but actually do science as scientists do set her off in preparing interesting “labs” for her children and those of her neighbors that turned into the Real Science-4-Kids program and launched her new product line RATATAZ.


Real Science-4-Kids and RATATAZ offer solid science concepts in a manner understandable for youngsters. Today Real Science-4-Kids is taught in 50 states as well as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe, Japan and Korea. Woodbury (Keller)’s team continues to develop and test products.


( Not the same as the cover image)

( a little bit of pencil markings on some of the pages)

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.

1 in stock

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