Grammar Galaxy: Protostar: Adventures in Language Arts

Grammar Galaxy Protostar is a complete language arts curriculum for readers at a 3rd-grade level or those who have mastered the concepts in Grammar Galaxy Nebula. Short, comical stories teach concepts in a memorable way. Students discover the havoc that ensues when the evil Gremlin tampers with the English language. Classic books are moved to a long-term care library and can’t be read. Meanings of word roots are confused when the Word Ancestry site is hacked. Some pronouns can’t be used when a judge issues them a restraining order for being possessive. The royal English children invite students to become fellow grammar guardians in order to save the galaxy from crises like these. Students or teachers read one of the mysteries. Vocabulary words are defined in the text. Discussion questions follow each lesson to check for understanding. Grammar Galaxy Protostar, the second in a series of language arts texts for third to sixth graders, teaches:

  • literary concepts
  • vocabulary
  • spelling
  • grammar
  • composition
  • speaking

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $8.00.

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