Geology For Kids: The Kit – A Biblical Approach to Earth Science and Earth History

Geology for Kids by Rockman Pat, Patrick Nurre, is for grades 4-8, and is designed to introduce them to some of the basic ideas in studying geology, from rock types, to volcanoes to dinosaurs and fossils.

Written from a Young Earth, Global Flood perspective, the textbook includes:

  • Where the rocks came from
  • Minerals and Rock Types
  • History of Geology and Earth Science
  • The Global Flood
  • Fossils
  • Dinosaurs
  • Ocean geology
  • Over 250 color illustrations and pictures, and photographs
  • Activities
  • 144 pages

This kit also includes:

  • Geology Journal 
  • Our signature large samples – 60 rock, mineral and fossil samples (click on  pictures above to see representative samples)  Most samples are 1.5 inches or larger.  All samples are individually bagged, labeled, and color-coded. Samples will be similar to those listed below. Sometimes we are out of stock of a particular sample, but we will always supply you with something of a comparable type.
  • Rock-forming minerals: quartz, potassium feldspar, muscovite mica, sodium feldspar, jasper, calcite, calcium feldspar, pyroxene, amphibole, magnetite, biotite mica, olivine
  • Rock samples: granite, gabbro, basalt, rhyolite, ash, tuff, volcanic bomb, cinders gneiss, schist, quartzite, marble, shale, chert, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, breccia, limestone, halite, travertine, fossil limestone, chalk, bituminous coal
  • Fossils: graveyard fossil, fern, clam, coral, marine reptile fossil, agatized wood, fossil cast/mold, worm tubes, gastrolith, gastropod, sea urchin, ammonite, trilobite, dinosaur bone, fossil mammal bone, leaf fossil, fossil algae, marine fossil from high in the mountains, otodus shark tooth, megalodon tooth, crinoid fossil, dugong bone, fossil fish, fossil fish vertebra
  • Oceanic specimens: kimberlite, diabase, peridotite, modern coral and sea shells, white sand, green sand, black sand, magnetic sand
  • Carrying case

Original price was: $162.00.Current price is: $85.00.

Out of stock
