From the Mountains to the Sea: We Share the Seasons

From the Mountains to the Sea: We Share the Seasons is a Grade 1 resource, which covers all of your Aboriginal Learning Standards in both science and social studies within the new BC curriculum.

This book is about the changing seasons in and along a riverbank, from the mountains to the sea. You will see many plants and animals that live along a riverbank. They grow and change just as we do.

A season is one of the four parts of the year: winter, spring, summer and fall. We all share and experience the changing of the seasons. Some changes we all make are small. Other changes are big. We all grow and change. What do you know about the seasons?

Winter, up in the mountains can be cold. The days are short. Many animals sleep in their dens underneath the snow. Other animals are active all winter. Some birds and animals travel away to warmer places. Most plants rest during the winter too.

Spring, along the banks of a mountain stream, is a time when the weather feels warmer. The days are longer. Sleeping animals wake up and come out of their dens. They are hungry and start looking for food. Birds and animals that went away for the winter come back. Plants start to grow again.

Summer, along the banks of a river can sometimes be hot. The days are long. The young animals and birds are growing. They are learning how to find food and stay safe from danger. Plants are growing and spreading out their leaves and branches. Wild berries start to ripen and provide food for many of us.

Fall, around a river estuary can be cool and windy. The days are shorter. Animals and birds start getting ready for the long winter ahead. Some fatten themselves up so that they can sleep through the winter. Others gather with their families to begin their long journey to warmer places. The salmon return from the sea and swim up their home streams to lay their eggs in the gravel. Trees, shrubs, and bushes begin to turn colour and then drop their leaves. Plants start to move into a time of rest.

Which of the four seasons is your favourite? Why do you like it the best?

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