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Teaching Books

TeachingBooks TeachingBooks has more than 11,000 book trailers! Just as you enjoy watching a movie trailer, now you can watch a book trailer. Book trailers

Book Highlight! – The Ogress and the Orphans

There are some great books in Sora! Have you looked at this one yet?

Happy Easter – 2024

Subscription Resources: Sign in to the individual subscriptions to see these resources listed. Log-in information for the subscriptions can be found in the Search Portal.

Secret Santa Project! – 2023

It’s that time of year again! For those of you who have never played this game as part of the HCOS Learning Commons, Secret Santa

Read-A-Thon 2024: Read For Change!

HCOS and FLEX are delighted to participate again in another Read For Change Readathon! January 17th – February 14th. Dive into your favourite adventure or