Dear families,
Announcements & Reminders
- This week, we celebrate National Geography Week in Canada! 🌎 and Financial Literacy Week!
- Check out books on Sora or the Search Portal for geography or MyBlueprint for financial literacy.
Parent Events & Webinars
- Thank you to everyone who joined us for this week’s webinar, Unlocking Research: Essential Skills and Resources for Success. If you missed it, you can watch the recording.
Student Highlights & Contests
I Read Canadian Storytime with Margaret & Dewey the Dragon on Nov. 26, 2024 for K – grade 4 but all are welcome. Register here.
Collaborative Sticker Art Project! – Tuning In Do you want to take part in a collaborative art project? Do you need a quick brain break in the middle of your school day? Help us finish this art instalment and find the mystery image!
Book Highlight! – The Kodiaks: Home Ice Advantage
Resource Updates & Tips
The Learning Commons has various resources for teaching French, including kits, books and music CDs. We have also recently added information about our French Unit Study Kits to SOPHIE.
Check out these Health and Fitness Resources in the Search Portal!
High School students can access Texas Instruments Plus Graphing Calculators for an extended loan period. Please use your parent account to book items.
Order your Christmas books from the Search Portal! Or find the Christmas Collection on Sora.
Mystery Science is offering a free limited account to families. This account blocks you from opening the many free links from your teacher’s account. If you have signed up for the free account, please close the account and clear your cache to open the links sent to you by your support teacher. Find the complete list of “Mysteries” that you can request from your support teacher.
EVERFI has three short courses that encourage empathy, compassion, mental wellbeing, and digital safety: The Compassion Project(Gr. 2-4)and (4-6); Ignition: Digital Wellness & Safety(Gr. 6-8); and Understanding Mental Wellness(G.8-12). Financial Literacy Courses for grades 4-12 are also available. Email Margaret Basaraba to set up your account.
Blessings From The Learning Commons