What would you do? a kid’s guide to tricky and sticky situations

Gives advice on what should be done in confusing, ambiguous, dangerous, or unexpected situations at home, school, or out on your own.

Review: This book gives clear, concise descriptions of how a child or young adolescent might handle the unexpected–embarassing, frightening or even life threatening situations. Each situation is briefly stated on a single page in large type. The next page gives clear instructions on how to get the situation under control and when to call for help. Some of the situations include: dealing with an electrical blackout, being followed by a stranger, finding an injured animal, and what to do when a friend appears to have sustained a head injury. I showed this book to children of varying ages. It elicited interest from children as young as six and as old as high school. One bright six-year-old buried himself in the book, sounding out the hard words because the information made him feel empowered. Older children picked and chose which situations they read but liked the straightforward approach. This book would be good for a general population of children and young adolescents. However, it would be especially helpful to children who have social skills deficits.

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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