Vocabulary From Classical Roots – Book A

Includes: Teacher’s Guide

In the case of this series, the sum is definitely more than the total of its parts. As the most important Latin and Greek roots are studied, students increase their vocabularies far more than the 240 words actually presented, since these roots form the basis for many additional words. Roots are grouped thematically in worktexts, with each of the sixteen lessons in every book introducing up to 15 words derived from two or more classical roots. Each lesson begins with a “root dictionary”. The root and root forms are shown and defined in bold type, followed by English word(s) derived from that root. Each English word is shown in dictionary format with pronunciation key, definition(s) and word forms each followed by a sentence showing correct word usage in context. Small side boxes list additional words that are formed from the same root. A variety of exercises based on synonyms, antonyms, analogies, vocabularies in context, and sentence completion are provided at the end of lessons to insure mastery. The many literary, historical and geographical references are designed to increase the student’s cultural literacy. After every two lessons, a creative or expository writing assignment is suggested, using words from the lessons , allowing the student to put into practice the words he’s learned

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