Sonlight 20th Century World History Instructor’s Guide

History / Bible / Literature 300, 2010, Grades 10-12

Understand, engage and transform the modern world

  • Trace the massive, sweeping changes of the last century.
  • Guide your young scholars–you have the lesson plans, tools and materials to homeschool high school with success.
  • Explore complex roots of political, social and cultural battles that rage today.
  • Watch students hone valuable writing skills and learn to defend their faith.

20th Century World History

Today’s world was shaped – in national boundaries, in economic policy, in technological advances – by the 20th Century. Sonlight 320 takes a year to look at this transformative century.

In 1900, it took days to travel from Europe to America. In 2000, it took hours. In 1900, only a wealthy few owned a car. In 2000, cars were common, if not quite universal. In 1900, even the radio had barely been invented and broadcasts were still several years away. By 2000, the radio had come and gone as primary entertainment, replaced by the television at first, and then an increasing array of electronics: cable, video games, computers, and the internet. In 1900, the airplane had not yet been invented. By 2000, men had gone to the moon, and satellites in orbit allowed many advances in communication.

It was an astonishing century.

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $25.00.

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