Saxon Math 1: An Incremental Development – Home Study Teacher’s Edition

Math 1 establishes a solid understanding of basic math concepts, such as:

  • comparing and ordering numbers,
  • mastering all basic addition facts and most basic subtraction facts,
  • adding two-digit numbers without regrouping,
  • naming fractions,
  • and measuring with inches, feet, and centimeters.

Your child will also learn to create, read, and write observations from real graphics, pictographs, and bar graphs.

Saxon math programs produce confident students who are not only able to correctly compute, but also to apply concepts to new situations. These materials gently develop concepts, and the practice of those concepts is extended over a considerable period of time.

This first edition Teacher’s Manual is for Grade 1. Includes addition cards.

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $15.00.

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