High School Math Textbooks

The Learning Commons has a wide selection of Math textbooks for grades 10-12 to meet the needs of different learning styles.

Here are some of the options available for extended loan. Sets include textbook, solutions manual, tests and CDroms where applicable.

Saxon Advanced Mathematics

Saxon Advanced Mathematics fully integrates topics from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, discrete mathematics, and mathematical analysis. Word problems are developed throughout the problem sets and become progressively more elaborate. With this practice, high-school level students will be able to solve challenging problems such as rate problems and work problems involving abstract quantities

Saxon Algebra 1

Students will develop the understanding they need to resolve more complex problems and functions with this step-by-step course. Covers topics including signed numbers, exponents, and roots; absolute value; equations and inequalities; scientific notations; unit conversions; polynomials; graphs; factoring; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variations; exponential growth; statistics; and probability. Solutions manual also available.

Saxon Algebra 2

Students will develop the understanding they need to resolve more complex problems and functions with this step-by-step course. A balanced, integrated mathematics program that has proven itself a leader in the math teaching field, Algebra 2 covers geometric functions like angles, perimeters, and proportional segments; negative exponents; quadratic equations; metric conversions; logarithms; and advanced factoring.

Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1

A Teaching Textbook™, with its approximately 700 pages of text and 120 - 160 hours of teacher instruction on CD-ROM, is both a teacher and a textbook combined into one. And the CD-ROM teaching isn’t just abstract lectures either. There are also down-to-earth, audiovisual step-by-step explanations for every single one of the almost 3,500 problems in the book. Covers basic algebra, negative numbers, fractions, powers, roots, variables, graphing, inequalities and more.

Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2

Continue algebra mastery with higher-degree equations, additional variables, logarithms and much more. More than 120 hours of instruction and 137 lessons on 12 interactive CDs with lectures, problems, step-by-step solutions, tests and automated grading. Algebra 2 covers: Solving an Equation Using the Quadratic Formula, Inequality, Expression, and Solving an Investment Problem.

Mathworks 11

The MathWorks 11 Student Workbook emphasizes mathematical skill-building through worked examples, practice problems, and differentiated learning strategies. The content mirrors the MathWorks 11 Student Resource . The Workbook includes the following features: • Review of mathematical processes needed to complete the chapter’s lessons • Worked examples, including step-by-step solutions • Mini-lessons to introduce the chapter’s core mathematical concepts • Practice problems after each mini-lesson that let students practice their new skills

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