What on Earth Can I Do? – Biblical Worldview of Stewardship Gr. K-8

The fourth book in the What We Believe series helps children understand what it means to be a “good and faithful servant” of God (Matthew 25:23). This study will help them choose to put God first in every area of their lives based on these biblical truths: God owns all things because He created and sustains all things; He has entrusted me with certain gifts and wants me to use these gifts for His glory; I honor God by using my money and possessions wisely; I glorify Him by investing my time and talents wisely; my body is not my own but has been bought at a price; God expects me to care for His creation; God will reward me for my faithfulness.

Designed around a notebooking concept, instructions provide opportunities for students to think and ponder the questions given, as well as consider their own thoughts in the “Make a Note of It” section. Each lesson features an introduction to the main topic, learning objectives, a short story, thought-provoking questions, important vocabulary words, two Bible memory verses, interesting interdisciplinary topics, godly character traits that students should demonstrate as a response, prayer, discussion questions, and a story adapted from Jesus’ parables. Four lessons also end with the “House of Truth” memory aid visual model that builds upon lessons learned in the previous books; it can be drawn or built with building blocks.

Customize the schedule to your students’ level; most chapters can be covered in two weeks (for the entire course taking 4-8 months), and this study may be used independently or with a parent. A suggested lesson plan is included for guidance if desired. Books do not have to be used in order, though it is recommended. Ages 6-14; Reading Level Grades 5-6.

This textbook focuses on the questions:

  • Your Story or God’s Story?
  • Who Put You in Charge?
  • Will You be Found Faithful?
  • Where is your Treasure?
  • Where Does your Time Go?
  • Whose Life is it Anyway?
  • Why Isn’t it Easy Being Green?
  • What Will Happen When the Master Returns?

Apologia Educational Ministries

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $30.00.

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