Subscription Highlight: rightnow MEDIA

Netflix of Bible Studies, Christian content and kids programming.

rightnow MEDIA - The Netflix of Bible Studies

rightnow Media (K – 12) is essentially the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies.” Through this site, you have instant access to more than 20,000 outstanding videos covering a range of topics to challenge and encourage you.  This is a Bible Study Library and has a “Just for Kids” section with over 2000 videos!  These can be used for personal or group viewing.

Kids' Content in rightnow Media

Christian Studies in rightnow Media

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Learning Commons Newsletter

This week in the LC:

Book Highlight! – Shamus the Urban Rez Dog, P.I.

There are some fantastic books on Sora. Have you read about this smart and funny dog yet?

Core Competency Packs – What are they?

The Core Competencies are intellectual, personal, social and emotional proficiencies all students need to engage in deep, lifelong learning. There are three categories of core