Lightning Literature & Composition-British Christian Authors Late 19th Century-Early 20th Century

All works are by Christian authors; works are a mixture of literature on specifically Christian ideas and literature on more general themes. Lessons cover writing a basic five-paragraph essay; communicating through a variety of forms; imagery, syntax, and word choice in poetry; writing clearly; writing for different purposes; persuasive writing; literary analysis; and choosing subject matter. For example, The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis is used to teach writing the five-paragraph essay, Phantastes by MacDonald for teaching symbolism, and Why Does God Allow War? by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones for writing clearly.

This Guide includes comprehension questions, writing exercises, discussion questions and project suggestions, additional reading lists, semester and full-year schedules, and a bibliography. The answers to comprehension questions are included. 2nd. ed.

Students read in the following order:

  • C. S. Lewis (nonfiction: The Four Loves)
  • George MacDonald (novel: selections [text in this Guide] from Phantastes: A Faerie Romance)
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins (poetry [text in this Guide]: “Heaven-Haven,” “Easter Communion,” “Pied Beauty,” “Carrion Comfort”)
  • D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (nonfiction: Why Does God Allow War?)
  • Amy Carmichael (nonfiction: selections [text in this Guide] from Gold Cord)
  • G. K. Chesterton (nonfiction: Orthodoxy)
  • T. S. Eliot (essay [text on the Internet]: “Tradition and the Individual Talent”)
  • Dorothy L. Sayers (novel: Gaudy Night)

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