Lightning Lit & Com: 7th Grade Literature & Composition – Teacher Guide & Student book

The student’s guide has the primary lesson material which is not repeated in the teacher’s guide. Students begin each chapter by reading an introduction that is about the author of the work (or works as in the case of poetry) to be studied. They then begin reading the literary work, reading at their own pace or following the suggested schedule from the teacher’s guide. Note that a “Weekly Planning Schedule” begins on page 8 of each teacher’s guide. These pages are only in the teacher’s guide, but if this schedule suits you, it seems to me that you might want to provide copies of these pages for students so that they know what’s expected each day as far as reading, workbook, and composition assignments.

Student’s guides also have extensive vocabulary lists with brief definitions for words students will encounter in their reading. These are for reference rather than additional assignments. Next are comprehension questions. Students might answer these as they complete each chapter of a book or they might wait till they finish the entire book. Either way, they should write out their answers. Parents or teachers can check them with answer keys in the teacher’s guide.

Once they’ve finished the questions, they will read a “Literary Lesson” for that chapter of the student’s guide. Literary Lessons are the primary source of instructional material, so students should read these carefully. Literary Lessons incorporate the literature the student has just completed which makes them more interesting than “disembodied” literary lessons.

The teacher guide is meant to help you help your student through the Lightning Literature Student Guide for Grade 7.
Discussion questions in teacher’s guides can be used to complete study for this chapter, but they are optional. Discussion questions are designed to get students to think more deeply about both the literary work and about life.

While parents or teachers need to check student work and evaluate compositions, the discussion questions are the only element of the course that requires interaction. The discussion questions are optional, so you can skip them if need be. However, some of these questions are fascinating and should lead to fantastic discussions that you might not have otherwise, so I would encourage you to use them.

These courses are written for use by those of all religious or non-religious persuasions, but they are especially suitable for a Christian audience.

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Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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