Dimensions Math 6 A&B – set of 4

Includes Dimensions Math 6A and 6B Textbooks  and Teacher’s Guides 2016

Each book includes appropriate examples, class activities and diagrams to understand the concepts and apply them. IT skills and values are incorporated as appropriate.

With this comprehensive series, we hope that students will find learning mathematics an easy and fun experience so that they will be motivated to study the subject, discover mathematical features and apply them in real-life situations.

Some features of this series include the following:

  1. Class activities which allow the student to learn mathematics through discovery. Some of the class activities make use of Geometer’s Sketchpad (available at keypress.com).
  2. Worked examples are followed by a similar question (Try It!) so that students can check if they have understood the concepts presented earlier.
  3. An exercise for each lesson including questions in the following sequence:
    • Basic Practice (simple questions involving a direct application of the concepts)
    • Further Practice (more challenging questions on direct application)
    • Maths@Work (questions that apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations)
    • Brainworks (questions involving higher order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems)
  4. Each chapter is followed by a review exercise; the Extend Your Learning Curve activity encourages students to explore mathematical concepts further or apply mathematics in real-life situations, with some questions requiring sentence or paragraph answers to encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences.
  5. The right margins contain remarks on important information, concepts or definitions covered earlier related to the current material to help students recall them, discussion questions, interesting puzzles or facts that are related to mathematics, and some website references.

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $30.00.

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