Read For Change: Coming Soon! January 15th - February 12th
There are fun things to do in the Learning Commons to accompany this event!
Book Review Contest
We are offering more chances to win prizes for every book you read! Every time you read one of the books on Sora, you can fill out the review form and submit it to add your name to the draw. Prizes will be Amazon gift cards!
This contest runs from January 8th through March 2nd. Prizes will be drawn in the following week.
Dewey’s Sora Record Challenge
Dewey has just gotten the most fascinating news! He discovered that the biggest checkout day in our Sora Library was on October 30th, 2023. We have 197 eBooks and audiobooks checked out. THAT IS A BIG NUMBER!
Now he wants to know if we can do it again or even beat it!
Dewey Is challenging us to beat our record! 200 will beat it, but he wants to aim high! 250 books, eBooks or audiobooks checked out and read on Monday, February 3rd.
Participating in this challenge can count towards the books you read for the Read For Change event.
Dewey can’t wait to see what you can accomplish when you work together!